Although it may not surprise you that children are abused throughout this nation, it may shock you to find out that boys have been sexually abused by other boys in the Boy Scouts. Not only is this information heartwrenching, but knowing that the Boy Scouts of America national headquarters kept records of these accounts without releasing this information is downright deplorable.

Also known as “perversion files,” these records of boys sexually abusing other boys should have been released in order to prevent other acts of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts. As a Sarasota child abuse attorney who has been retained by boys who were abused by other boys in the Boy Scouts, my law firm is doing all we can to get these records released. We have even obtained a court order that requires the Boy Scouts to produce this information; however, the Boy Scouts of America is still choosing to not disclose these records or even disseminate this information to the local troops.

Parents of Boy Scouts should be aware that scout-on-scout sexual abuse is occurring in order to make their children aware of this possibility. If your child has been physically, verbally, or sexually abused in a Florida Boy Scout troop, call Mallard Perez for a free initial consultation at 888-409-3805 or contact us online at

Damian Mallard, Esq.
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Board Certified Sarasota Personal Injury Attorney